Explore GitHub

Add starred repositories to a list
20 minutes
This Primer makes it easy by giving you the guidance and resources you need to start exploring the platform, begin following projects, and find your community on GitHub.
Take Action
One of the best ways to begin finding and organizing your interests in GitHub is by starring repos and adding them to a list. This demo gives you an overview of lists and how they appear on your profile.
Add starred repositories to a list
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Continue your Learning
Your learning doesn't end here. Continue to GitHub Education to explore more learning opportunities.
Continue to GitHub EducationRelated resources

Community Exchange
A student community within the GitHub Global Campus portal. As a student, it's a place where you can get exposure for your project and discover other student repositories in need of collaborators and maintainers.

Campus Experts
A student community within the GitHub Global Campus portal. As a student, it's a place where you can get exposure for your project and discover other student repositories in need of collaborators and maintainers.